The Scribe's Portion

The Pagan Origin of Valentine’s Day

· What Christians Should Know About Valentine's Day ·

February 6, 2018 0 Comments 7 Photos

Valentine’s Day is the 3rd most grossing holiday in America after Christmas and Halloween respectively. With an average annual spending of $13.2 billion according to Statistic Brain- the American population loves going all out to express their feelings for their loved ones.

 After the Christmas and New Year displays are taken down in stores, up go the balloons, flowers, hearts, stuffed animals, cards, and candy. Most people are aware of the commercialism attached to Valentine’s Day but who can pass gifting those cute sentimental items? After all, it’s the thought that counts; not so much the gift. And within the Christian community, Vday is all about emphasizing 1 Corinthians 13 and the love of our Savior Jesus Christ.

But have you ever wondered why Valentine’s Day even exists? You’ll probably say “Well, it’s about love. Everything has a holiday, why not love?” While it may sound innocent and good, the holiday is anything but innocent and good. Want to know the truth? Why Valentine’s Day is better left ignored than practiced? And why the “love” we think it means, is not really love at all.

I must add that if we seek the truth, we must seek it without prejudice or compromises. That if we seek to detach ourselves completely from the world, then we must be willing to let go of our human sentiments that are so deeply rooted in tradition. Truth sets free (John 8:32) but first we need to hear it in order to accept it. So here it goes…

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The Secret Origin of Valentine's Day


Valentine’s Day comes from 2 sexually perverted pagan Roman holidays: Lupercalia and the Festival of Juno Februata.

Lupercalia,” is derived from the Latin word “lupus” meaning “wolf.” It was a festival observed on February 15 celebrating the start of spring. Celebrated in honor of Lupercus (aka Faunus and Pan) a god worshipped by the shepherds as the protector of the sheep against wolves and promoter of fertility among the flocks.

Faunus was the horned god of the forest and fields, referred to as “Inuus” when he made cattle fertile.

Pan is the Greek god of the wild, shepherds & sheep, mountains, music, and companion of the nymphs.

The Romans believed that Lupercus protected Rome from wild wolves.

Therefore, Lupercus was assisted by “Luperci” (male priests) who sacrificed goats and a dog on Palatine Hill as part of a purification ritual. This is where, according to Roman legend, Romulus and Remus were said to have been sheltered by the she-wolf.

The Luperci ran around the city dressed in goatskins and covered in blood striking women with bloody thongs cut from the goats’ skins. This ritual was believed to purify women, make them fertile, and ease of childbirth.

February derives from  the Latin word, “Februa” meaning “purification.” Thus, February was a month of cleaning with the arrival of Spring.

Ever wondered where the term “Spring Cleaning” came from?


Pan, who looks exactly like Baphomet

Festival of Juno Februata

Juno Februata was a sacred celebration of the Roman goddess, Juno aka Februata. She was the goddess of love, marriage, and women. It was observed for 3 days starting on February 15. As part of the festival, the people indulged in all manner of sexual immorality.

Each young woman wrote her name on a piece of paper and put it in a bowl. Single men drew one name; the name of the woman they drew became their sexual partner for the remainder of the festivities and the rest of the year. This is where the custom of exchanging gifts and notes between lovers originated.

Read  Banish the Easter Bunny!


In an effort to get rid of the pagan holiday, Pope Gelasius I assigned traditions of the  “Feast of Purification of the Virgin Mary” to Lupercalia and Juno Februata in 494 AD and moved it to February 14, it was later moved to February 2. It was also known as “Candlemas”- the day of the presentation of Jesus at the temple. At the time of Constantine, church leaders wanted to do away with all pagan festivities including the February holidays, but the Roman citizens did not agree.

To appease the people, Pope Gelasius, renamed Lupercalia and Juno Februata to St. Valentine’s Day and moved it to February 14.

There were at least three church saints, named Valentine.

Two of them had been martyred for the same beliefs in Rome. Legends circulated about them. One legend recounted that Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage for young men, believing that single men made better soldiers. The priest named Valentine defied the emperor and continued to perform marriages among couples. He was caught and put to death. Another account tells of how Valentine wrote letters from prison to his beloved signed, “From Your Valentine.”

The old pagan tradition of pairing men and women through lottery was also Christianized.

Instead of drawing women’s names, boys and girls each drew the name of a saint from a box. The kids then had to emulate the life of the saint they drew.

The Roman Catholic Church banned the sexual lottery. However, young men continued to send written romantic letters to young women they desired.

Valentine cards became popular in early 19th century Europe. These cards were decorated with cupids, hearts and lace or flowers.

19th Century Valentine Card


Valentine is a form of the Roman name, “Valentinus” which comes from the name “Valens” meaning “strong and healthy.” Valens is the Latin name given to Nimrod. Nimrod is described as “mighty” in Genesis 10:9.




Cupid is the Roman god of love meaning “sexual love” and “desiring someone.” Nimrod is also Cupid (yes, he’s everywhere). He is always portrayed with a bow and arrow, as is Nimrod. “Cuper” is the Latin name for Cupid, meaning “to desire.” He was the son of Venus. Cupid was known for impregnating goddesses and mortal women. His own mother, Venus sexually desired him. Venus is actually Semiramis (Mother of Tammuz, rebirthed Nimrod). According to the myth, Venus eventually married her son, Cupid making him her “Valentine.” The same story exists about Semiramis and Tammuz.

Cupid was always associated with being happy and cruel at once. He used his bow and arrow to cause men and women to “fall in love.” He is sometimes portrayed as a boy or a baby because the Hellenistic counterpart of Cupid is Eros who was portrayed as a baby.



Other Tidbits

Lupercalia was actually just another festival in honor of Nimrod under the guise of Lupercus which means “hunter of wolves.” If you remember, Nimrod was a mighty hunter and warrior. Cupid is Nimrod’s Roman name.

The Valentine’s heart is associated with Nimrod. In Babylon, Nimrod was known as Baal which is the Chaldean word “BEL” meaning “heart.”

Read  The Pagan Origin of New Year's Day

Lust Not Love

The “love” portrayed in Valentine’s Day originated from the lust displayed in 2 sexually perverted pagan festivals that have nothing to do with YAH. And even to this day, the world celebrates Vday with lust. 1 Corinthians 13 is all about the love of God and the love we must strive to have in our lives. The lust of Valentine’s Day cannot even start to compare to real love. And if we want to clean ourselves from the world, we need to stop participating in holidays who at the root, are as far away from God and purity and holiness as the sun is from Neptune. You don’t need to buy chocolates and flowers on February 14 to demonstrate love to your loved one.

We have to understand and know the difference between the pure and genuine love of God and the cheap, filthy sexual lust of human nature.

If you are a born- again Child of God, then you know what I’m talking about. If you’re not, then I encourage you to seek God, it’s amazing (seriously).

We do not need a holiday to celebrate the love of God; God has given us all the days of our lives to display and act on this love with our family, friends, and every soul. But most beautiful of all is knowing that one day all that will remain is love. The only true love that Jesus displayed on the cross. And the love we will one day enjoy for an eternity.

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Evelyn Fonseca

Christian millennial, writer, editor, introvert, lover of languages, and full-time bibliophile. My mission is to tell the whole world about the love of Christ and that apart from Him there is no hope.


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