The Scribe's Portion

Why I Don’t Wear Pants: My Modesty Testimony

August 19, 2022 34 Comments

“Modesty is an act of love, is a heart issue, is leading where I want to go in life, glorifies God rather than self, is a guard to virtue, is a signpost for what I believe, is freeing, is obedience to God.” -Narelle Worboys

“Everything precious is covered! A woman modestly dressed is like a pearl in its shell.” Anonymous

I’ve never liked showing skin. As far back as I can remember, I have always hated low-cut tops and short shorts, mini-dresses, and mini- skirts. The fact that I’m Christian and grew up Pentecostal had nothing to do with my preferences (they only reinforced my convictions) I guess, I’ve always been modest by nature. Well, modest my way. I’ll explain what I mean by that in a minute. 

However, I can’t take all the credit. From a young age, my mom inculcated in me a sense of propriety. “Ladies must never expose their thighs, midriff, chest, shoulders, and back.” Most people (including Christians) might consider my mom’s standards extreme but I’m glad for it because it instilled the fear of God in me. I never questioned her, I just accepted it as right and proper. I wasn’t drawn to immodest fashion nor was I tempted to dress like my friends nor desired to be “sexy.”

“Modesty” my way (2013)
Modesty God’s way (2016)

That was of course, before my 1 year of rebellion when I was 19.

During high school, skinny jeans were the fad. I wore them without reservation, I didn’t realize how immodest they were. I thought that if my body was covered, then it was modest. How ignorant! The Lord still hadn’t given me full understanding of what modesty His way entailed. I could have worn tight clothes (and I did) and not feel the least bit ashamed. I didn’t know any better. 

When I went off to college, I went through a rebellious phase and for a little over a year, strayed completely from God.  I started wearing very short shorts and miniskirts. It started with the temptation to dress the part of my peers. Short, shorts were (and still are) the rage. Every girl on campus had more than a pair and I wanted to fit in. So even though I loathed showing skin, I forced my shyness aside in the name of female fashion.

I remember wearing them for the first time, it felt strange but I shoved all conviction and unease aside. I was extremely uncomfortable. But as it happens when in sin and rebellion, you arrive at a point where you simply stop caring. You learn to ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit until you no longer feel it. And so started my downward spiral into immodesty. 

Looking back I realize that this was straight-up rebellion against my Christian values, spite against everything my mom taught me, and ultimately, rebellion against God. But the Lord had mercy! 

Let me say, that the entire time I dressed this way, I knew it was wrong, and deep down I felt like I wasn’t myself. I had become the worst version of myself. But God had His eye on me and never allowed me to enjoy my sin a hundred percent. And I knew that eventually, He was going to bring me back, whatever it took. 

I don’t know what I expected when I decided that I was going to dress like a prostitute, but unwanted male attention was not it. I couldn’t go anywhere without getting stares and advances from men. Despite my fallen state, I still did not like attention and absolutely abhorred getting stared at like a piece of meat. 

What I didn’t realize was that I was committing adultery with them in their hearts (Matthew 5:28). Women like to point fingers at men and say it’s their problem if they stare. They don’t want to take responsibility for the way they cause men to stumble. Sadly, this is especially true of Christian women. However, the truth is that the way you dress doesn’t only affect you, it affects everyone around you. So dressing immodestly is not only individually sinful but selfish and prideful as well. Repent if this is you and turn away from sin! 

Long story short, the Lord broke me and I came back to Him, a prodigal daughter on July 26, 2012. I threw away all my slutty clothes and started dressing modestly again. 

For a great part of my life, I wore skirts and dresses to church only. But during my 1 year away from God I had gotten used to wearing pants to church. Because even though I wasn’t serving the Lord, I still attended church merely out of habit. I saw all the other girls in the campus church wearing pants, it was new to me and felt a little weird at first but I gave in. 

When I threw away my shorts and mini-skirts, I went back to only wearing those skinny jeans I loved so much. I didn’t hate skirts and dresses but I considered them inconvenient. 

Even though I thought I was dressing modestly, I still caught men staring at my body wherever I went. I hated it, I felt violated but God still hadn’t given me revelation of His ways regarding clothes. Until several months after my recommitment. 

The day God opened up my eyes and gave me understanding and wisdom on modesty, is so vivid in my mind. The memory is fresh even though it’s been over 9 years. I could never forget it even if I tried. 

It happened during a Wednesday Bible study at church in early 2013. I had gone to church wearing pants and so was every other sister that day. I remember we were singing a hymn, I wasn’t thinking anything. My mind was completely focused on worshipping God. Then suddenly out of nowhere, the voice of God spoke to my mind. It was firm with authority, a rebuke but not in anger. 

He told me to look around me, to take in how the sisters were dressed, including myself. And then said, “If any of you were walking down the street dressed as you are right now, could a non-believer KNOW that you are Christian, a daughter of mine?” 

Wow, I was blown away! I was completely awestruck. I replied, “No, Lord, no one could ever guess that I’m Christian by the way I’m dressed.” My spiritual eyes were immediately opened and understanding flooded in. In that short sentence, the Lord said so much more. 

“Your attire does not please Me, it is not modest, you are not dressed like my daughter.  You are called to be set apart, you MUST stand out, and when non-believers look at you, they may know you are different. Your clothes are a testimony others will read. How you dress is important to Me. You MUST be holy as I AM Holy.” And the ultimate realization…pants are not modest. I knew right at that moment that women wearing pants did not please the Lord. And it wasn’t because I wore skinny jeans, even if I had been wearing looser pants, God gave me instant revelation regarding them too. 

Up to that point I had never even slightly considered pants to be immodest and displeasing to God. Of course, I was aware of women in some denominations not wearing pants but I had never been curious enough to find out why.   

It is interesting that God revealed to me that dressing modestly set His daughters apart from the rest and that it is needed in order to be holy. The Hebrew word for holy “kodesh” comes from the root word, “kadesh” which means “to be set apart.” When God called us to be set apart, He meant it in every aspect, not just the heart. He cares GREATLY how we dress! 

When I shared my revelation with my mom, she told me that many years before, Pentecostal women did not wear pants because they were considered men’s clothing. (Deuteronomy 22:5)

This made me wonder why Christian women now wore pants and everyone was okay with it.  What happened to the conviction of old? What happened to spiritual discernment?  If God is unchanging what made people believe that He suddenly approved it? I concluded that it had never been right with God and that the only form of female clothing acceptable to Him were skirts and dresses. God didn’t shift His standards, HUMANS allowed the world to enter the church. I’m totally convinced that women wearing pants is unequivocally worldly.

 The woman who popularized female pants sought to “liberate” women (the exact sentiment shared by feminists today). It’s interesting to note, that up until the 1910s, women wore dresses and men pants and any woman caught wearing pants was scandalized. Why? Because from the beginning, pants have, still are, and will always be men’s clothing. Pants were created by men for men. Have you wondered why women wear pants but men don’t wear dresses? Because the blurring of the female gender has been at work for way longer than the inception of the female liberation movement. The definition of female is being erased before our eyes but it has been going on unnoticed for over 100 years! And it started with pants! 

But I won’t get into the history of female pants (if you’re interested, let me know and I’ll gladly write an article on it) but suffice to say that the idea behind it was rebellious, an affront to God’s law.  

Going back to my testimony.

At that time, I only owned 1 dress and 2 skirts which I alternated for church. My whole wardrobe consisted of pants so throwing away my clothes wasn’t feasible. I also had a hard time adjusting to only wearing skirts and dresses all the time. Like I said earlier, I favored pants because skirts and dresses are inconvenient and at times, cumbersome. But I tried my best until I got used to it. Now whenever I was forced to wear pants, I felt a new conviction. I felt naked and exposed. I had never felt this way in the past. But that’s what the Holy Spirit does when He opens your eyes. Before, I was asleep in sin and ignorance so I didn’t feel shame (Hosea 4:6). 

The Lord was so good to me He provided me with the means to outfit my new wardrobe. I’m so thankful. 

I started to notice a change in the way I was treated. I was respected at church by the young and old. Men no longer checked me out in public, in fact, men barely even glanced my way, and I was glad! Several sisters at church and even the pastor commended me for dressing with modesty and setting an example for the young women at church. I will never forget what an elder sister told me, “I see something special in you. It’s evident that you truly love the Lord, He will use you for His glory.” 

It has happened on more than one occasion that a random stranger in public comes up to me and asks if I’m Christian. To which I reply in surprise, “Yes, how did you know.” The answer is always, “Because of the way you’re dressed and carry yourself.” 

One particular instance stands out to me. A random lady asked me once while I was walking my dog if I was Apostolic. I said, no, Pentecostal. She said, “You are very blessed, you are very beautiful. Keep serving God.” I teared up because I felt God speaking through her. It was His way of telling me that He approved of me, that I pleased Him. It’s so freeing to walk in obedience! Freedom comes in surrender. 

What a difference! Whereas men used to lewdly stare at me in public, now people can tell that I serve the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! To Him be all honor and glory! 

I take these experiences as confirmation of what God showed me in 2013, especially the realization that my clothes are part and parcel of my Christian testimony. It was not all in my head, nor was it a personal conviction. If me wearing pants displeased God, then the same goes for every woman. God doesn’t create personalized standards. What isn’t right for me, isn’t right for you either. 

And friends, the change I made in my clothes wasn’t the ultimate factor. It was my willingness to obey the Lord in all that He commanded me. Modesty was just the outward manifestation of a change in my heart and an ardent desire for holiness. 

Of course, modesty doesn’t automatically make a woman holy. Nor do pants make a woman a follower of the devil. And not all skirts and dresses are modest.  Women need to exercise good judgment and wisdom when buying clothes. But there is no such thing as modest pants. A perverted and sinful woman can dress modestly (it doesn’t change her heart), but a holy and righteous woman does not dress indecently. Modesty always starts in the heart. 

Before God’s revelation to me, I fervently prayed for holiness and asked Him to show me the areas of my life that did not please Him. And His answer came quickly. If you pray and genuinely desire to please and obey God, He will answer your spiritual requests. I’ve noticed that God never delays in answering these prayers, especially when you seek Him with humility and a willing heart. 

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” 

Matthew 7:7

My mom followed me soon after in my modesty journey. We have been criticized by family and repeatedly labeled as “legalists” and “extremists.” I have been called other things online for my stance on pants. Women get offended and angry when I share God’s revelation. 

“God doesn’t speak like that! It was all in your head.” 

“If it’s true why hasn’t God shown me?”

“I will believe it when God tells me.”

“It was a personal conviction, it’s just for you.”

“But, these are pants made specifically for women, I’m not wearing men’s clothing.”

“I don’t think pants are immodest.” (Well, that’s YOUR opinion, God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, and His Ways are higher than ours) (Isaiah 55:8-9)

“What about Biblical times? Men and women both wore robes.” 

“This is a secondary issue, and it’s divisive.” 

These are just some replies I have received from women. To which I always reply, “God IS speaking to you right now!” And, “God has and is speaking but your pride and rebellion don’t let you hear His voice!” 

How can God show you, and speak to you when you have already made up your mind that pants are okay to wear? You need to first ask Him to remove those barriers from your heart before you can hear His voice. That is why modesty starts in the heart. 

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”

John 10:27

I truly believe that there are many well-meaning and God-fearing women who wear pants. But I also believe that these dear sisters are still missing obedience, humility, and/or spiritual understanding and discernment. And it’s okay, we’re all growing in the Lord. Every person is at a different stage. We never stop growing and learning until we are either raptured or die. What makes the difference is where your heart is. Where your heart lies will determine if you’re either convicted or hindered by my message. 

So I ask you now, where does your heart lie? 

“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

Philippians 2:13

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

My prayer is that my testimony has in part made you think and analyze where you stand. I don’t take any credit for the wisdom and discernment I now exercise regarding modesty. All that I am and all that I know are unmerited gifts from the Father. I was ignorant too and lost until God showed me mercy and grace. He straighten my path and favored my soul because He is good! And for no other reason! 

“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

Matthew 16:24

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” 

Galatians 2:20

Evelyn Fonseca

Christian millennial, writer, editor, introvert, lover of languages, and full-time bibliophile. My mission is to tell the whole world about the love of Christ and that apart from Him there is no hope.


  1. Reply


    March 5, 2024

    Thank you so much for being obedient in writing this article that was for me. I have been going back and forth with this and asked God to reveal to me Deut 22:5 as it pertains to pants, and this article shows on my timeline. How great is our God.

  2. Reply


    February 20, 2024

    Thank you for sharing this testimony. It’s certainly made an impression on me. Currently I wear trousers M-F and skirts/dresses Saturday and Sundays. I’m a stay at home mum with twin toddlers, so scrubbing the bathroom in a skirt is impractical, but your post has given me food for thought. What if I added dresses to my wardrobe for just one extra day? What if I got rid of my running leggings… would I still be able to run? I don’t dress to look sexy, but I want to like what I see in the mirror, otherwise I’m not going to be a confident person. All very interesting, thank you and God bless.

  3. Reply


    January 24, 2024

    Dear Evelyn,
    What about wearing leggings or thick hose
    under a skirt when the weather is zero degrees?

  4. Reply


    January 24, 2024

    What is your thoughts on His commandment that women should wear a head covering to show that they are under the authority of man?

  5. Reply


    December 30, 2023

    Your post is righteous and no you do not sound arrogant. The person who said that is a rebellious person who does not want to hear God’s truth.
    The Bible says clearly, “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.”
    Deuteronomy 22:5
    A woman wearing pants is an abomination to God.
    What pertaineth to a woman that is forbidden for a man to wear?
    Skirts, bras, etc. It’s obvious.
    What pertaineth to a man that is forbidden for a woman to wear?
    The modern liberal would say nothing, but what does God condemn then? The truth is that a woman wearing pants or a suit jacket or any men’s fashion is an abomination to God.
    This isn’t “legalism”, it’s the Bible.
    As for a verse about dressing modesty, it’s commanded:
    “women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;”
    (1 Timothy 2:9)
    Thank you for your obedience to God, you will surely be rewarded.

  6. Reply


    December 30, 2023

    Modesty is the only acceptable way. Wearing men’s clothes is transgenderism. Women must never wear pants, God calls it an abomination.

    And anyone who says this is “legalism” is letting Satan speak through their pride and rebellion. If the condemnation “legalism” ever comes out of someone’s mouth, tune them out entirely!

    The fact is that there is a right and wrong, God’s way and Satan’s way, and the willfully disobedient will go to hell.

  7. Reply


    December 26, 2023

    Hello! I’m new to your site and have enjoyed what I’ve read. Keep up the work as it’s informative and edifying!
    I do have some disagreements though on where you’ve landed as far as “dresses are modest and pants are not.” As others’ comments noted, in most cultures throughout history neither men nor women wore pants. It was more robes and tunics. When I think of the Middle Ages and renaissance-era clothing (maybe the beginning of “dresses for women and pants for men” in western society) I think the clothing was extremely immodest for both men and women as men’s pants emphasized genitalia and women’s clothing emphasized cleavage. I would say modesty took a turn for the better in the 19th and 20th centuries, but even then much of women’s clothing seemed designed more for fashion as opposed to modesty and usefulness.
    All this to say, in the context of the Bible, pants did not exist as we know of them now. I don’t believe in trying to limit the Bible’s commands to historical context because that can lend itself to a slippery slope, but in certain circumstances we can also distort the word by not considering the era in which it was written. Pants were simply a non-issue at the time of the Bible’s writing. I also see the practical harms that have come to women because of dresses and excessive coverings, such as catching garments in machines or fires and overall prohibiting productivity and work.
    As a woman who grew up on a working cattle ranch, it’s simply absurd to wear a dress while working. We do our work horseback and side saddle of the old days was something only high society women would do. The rest rode astride as required to actually be productive. I think nurses would likely have a similar position as wearing a dress or skirt while caring for potentially unruly or combative patients would likely result in embarrassing or immodest situations if a skirt were pulled up or down or whatever.
    All this to say, I agree with the heart of your post that modesty is important, that we should be set apart as Christians, and that it’s something we don’t take seriously enough. I do disagree though on the practicality and limitations that only wearing skirts/dresses brings and that pants are carte blanc immodest. I personally feel more immodest in a skirt or dress simply because I know I’m not as well-covered underneath as I would like. Just some thoughts to share and consider. 🙂

  8. Reply


    December 15, 2023

    I appreciate your sharing your testimony. You have to realize that you may be convicted of your beliefs, but presenting them as the only biblical way does display arrogance and judgementalism, both of which are not attributes of a Christian. The Bible does not explicitly say to women, “Thou shalt not wear pants.” It does say, “Thou shalt not steal,” as well as the other commandments that are clearly black and white. There are many grey areas of scripture. However, that being said, your interpretation of modestly is well within the perimeters of biblical interpretation. I may not agree with you, but I too have the spirit of
    God within me. Care must be taken as a Christian that you do not turn others away from Christianity because of legalism and judgementalism. You are so young. Maybe after some years you will gain wisdom and tolerance and present your beliefs in kindness to win others for Christ.

  9. Reply

    Andrea Hernandez

    December 11, 2023

    I’m so happy that you are listening for God’s voice and obeying. But my dear sister in the Lord, you sound very arrogant. Just as important as modesty is speaking in kindness. May you also be ready to obey the Lord in speaking lovingly to your sisters in Christ.

  10. Reply

    Ayana, in Christ

    December 2, 2023

    Family, I appreciate your boldness and courage to share. You were able to cover much of what has been on my heart, confirming that God has called me into modesty of the heart. I, too, asked if God was speaking to me only as so many around me dressed with pants or tight clothing. The word confirmed a vision I had, that dressing immodestly causes sexual immortality in the heart. Lust starts in the heart and reaches the outside really quickly as a way to show us and others where we stand and need to change. In addition to the need for women to change the way they dress, we also need to renew our minds so we wouldn’t have such a hard time receiving this instruction through your post. May God continue to mercifully speak to us and may our hearts be inclined to hearing and obeying Him.
    Yours my sister,
    In Christ.

  11. Reply

    Ayana, in Christ

    December 2, 2023

    Family, I appreciate your boldness and courage to share. You were able to cover much of what has been on my heart, confirming that God has called me into modesty of the heart. I, too, asked if God was speaking to me only as so many around me dressed with pants or tight clothing. The word confirmed a vision I had, that dressing immodestly causes sexual immortality in the heart. Lust starts in the heart and reaches the outside really quickly as a way to show us and others where we stand. In addition to the need for women to change the way they dress, we also need to renew our minds so we wouldn’t have such a hard time receiving this instruction through your post. May God continue to mercifully soeak to us and may outlr hearts be inclined to hearing and obeying Him.

    Yours my sister,

    In Christ.

  12. Reply


    November 15, 2023

    Thank you for sharing sister, our almighty father in heaven wants to set us apart and teach us the narrow road. Let the peace of God remain in our heart. God loves us so much he wants us to live in this world however he doesn’t want the world to live in us.

    Continue motivating others❣

  13. Reply

    Phoebe Temidayo

    October 18, 2023

    I love your writing. I’m a fashion design student and I want to niche of Modest Wears. I stumbled on your write-up while I was doing my research on modest outfits. Although it’s not generally acceptable, some even see us as weird but I’m doing this for the glory of the Lord. The Lord is giving his children the scepter of Fashion in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
    Please keep me in prayer, I need anointing like that of Bezaleel in the Bible to perform all manner of craftsmanship in the Fashion World so that Christ might be glorified. Amen

    • Reply

      Evelyn Fonseca

      October 19, 2023

      Wow, I love this sister Phoebe! We need more God- fearing fashion designers, modest clothes are so hard to find nowadays. We need women of faith like you in the fashion world. God bless your studies and work!

  14. Reply

    Dwayne Coleman

    October 10, 2023

    I’m a Catholic gentleman who agrees with your views on modesty. A book that drives what you stand for beautifully is “Dressing with Dignity” by Colleen Hammond.

  15. Reply


    September 26, 2023

    I had written a long comment but then my kindle started freaking out! Satan’s trying to intervene.. My testimony is so similar!! Its a beautiful way to live and represent our Savior!
    Thank you for sharing, young women need to know this!:)

    • Reply

      Evelyn Fonseca

      September 26, 2023

      I would have loved to read your comment! You’re right, the enemy doesn’t want the truth to be shared. It really is a beautiful way to honor God, obedience over anything. Thank you for sharing!

  16. Reply

    Lisa Spencer

    September 25, 2023

    You are right on track!! Praise the Lord for good counsel! So many girls and ladies need this . Just them reading your article says that they are convicted of the Holy Spirit. Praise God for your submission to Christ and his word and being able to so clearly share it with others.

  17. Reply


    September 25, 2023

    You are right on track!! Praise the Lord for good counsel! So many girls and ladies need this . Just them reading your article says that they are convicted of the Holy Spirit. Praise God for your submission to Christ and his word and being able to so clearly share it with others.

  18. Reply

    Kimberly M.

    September 22, 2023

    Hi Evelyn!

    I really enjoyed what you wrote. As someone reading the Bible for the first time, can you please help me understand where it tells us to dress modestly and how it defines modesty? I have read where Jesus tells us not to worry about what we wear because the body is more than clothing. I’m trying to figure out how these 2 pieces of Scripture intertwine. Thank you for your input!

    • Reply

      Evelyn Fonseca

      September 23, 2023

      Hi Kimberly,

      First of all, congratulations on deciding to study the Bible! In it, you will find a wealth of wisdom and life!

      Secondly, great questions and thank you for commenting. The verse you’re referring to is Luke 12:23,
      “For life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.” To understand the full context let’s read the verse before and after.

      Luke 12:22-24
      “And He [Jesus] said to His disciples, ‘For this reason I tell you, do not worry about your life, as to what you are to eat; nor for your body, as to what you are to wear. For life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing. Consider the ravens, that they neither sow nor reap; they have no storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds!”

      Here, Jesus is saying not to worry about food nor clothing because God will provide. We are not to obsess or think about the mundane because God always provides, that we must worry instead about seeking His kingdom, that is, living for and serving Him and He will provide everything else we need. Food and clothing are the small things in life for God when we are busy living and working for Him. That’s what He means by “the body is more than clothing.” These verses aren’t really talking about modesty.

      Some Bible verses about dressing and carrying ourselves in a holy manner:

      1 Timothy 2:9- “Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or expensive apparel”

      1 Corinthians 6:19-20- ” Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought for a price: therefore glorify God in your body.”

      Romans 12:1- “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”

      If you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to email at [email protected]
      Many blessings!

  19. Reply


    September 19, 2023

    Hi. I understand where you are coming from.. however there is also a verse in God’s word from Samuel 16:7… But the Lord said to Samuel ,”Do not consider his appearance or his height , for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at . People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart .

    I think God is more interested in our hearts.. he knows our thoughts .. so of course if we dress with skimpy clothes .. then we will reap what that could bring .. and that can lead to a repentant heart .. there are pants that are not tight, blouses and sweaters that are long. There are dresses and skirts that are very provacative .. all showing .. so I don’t believe you can put modesty into a dress/skirt category. I believe it is how you dress, how you are around others, kind loving , generous.. It’s not the clothes that make a person.. it is their heart . There are people who wear dresses/skirts and they are crude and rude .. so where is their heart .. not with God ..

    We are still sinners for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I believe God looks at the heart , and if he can help that heart he does. Look up about David .. he had a man killed, committed adultery, Peter denied Jesus , did God give up on them ? No God cares more where your heart is. It’s a heart issue , not a clothing one .

    • Reply

      Evelyn Fonseca

      September 23, 2023

      Hi Audrey, thank you for your comment, I’m sure others share your same views.

      1 Samuel 16:7 is not talking about attire, here the Lord is making reference to the physical appearance of a person (face, skin, height, etc.) The Lord is not limited by a person’s physical appearance to use them in a mighty way. That’s what the verse is trying to say. It has nothing to do with clothes, although I can see why readers can misunderstand the meaning.

      God cares about the heart of course, and it’s very important to Him however, how we carry ourselves is a reflection of what is inside. If a Christian woman dresses provocatively, then, that’s a sign that there’s lust, insecurities, or some other heart issue. A woman who truly fears God and desire is to please Him will dress modestly.

      Of course there are immodest dresses/skirts, if you read my whole article, you’ll see I discuss this. By conviction I can say that there are no modest female pants but there are modest dresses/skirts. Pants are men’s clothing just as dresses are women’s clothing. Have you ever wondered why women started wearing pants but men don’t wear dresses? Food for thought and perhaps may pique your interest to study it more in-depth.

      Certain jobs and schools require a uniform to identify them as belonging to that specific organization/sector/school, right? In the same way, Christians must dress in a way that identifies us as followers of Christ. God absolutely cares how we dress. And how we dress reveals the heart, both work together.

  20. Reply

    Miriam Umana

    September 13, 2023

    Your story is very inspiring and relatable and I’m happy I came across your write-up . I’m a Baptist who doesn’t wear trousers unless I can’t help it because of work reasons. But lately I started becoming double minded about wearing trousers because my flesh want’s to but my heart keeps convicting me to keep myself in check.
    I have been praying a lot for strength to stand for my conviction and your message is what I needed. Thank you ❤️

  21. Reply

    Mama M

    August 14, 2023

    I understand what it feels like to be labeled “Legalistic.” I’ve been called that so many times for keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath. The only commandment that specifically says to remember. You are right God is unchanging. So many have put the traditions of men above the law of God. My mom gave up wearing pants when I was a young girl, she is now in her 60s.

  22. Reply

    Angela Towett

    August 1, 2023

    Thank you so much for sharing this, am glad that there are people who agree or support what God asked me to do… your testimony is not different from mine ❤️ All glory to Jesus Christ. May God convict more sisters to turn away from every sinful nature.
    Humility and Obedience stood out! This two have to exist in us for God to speak! Thank you.

  23. Reply


    June 16, 2023

    Dear Sister,
    Your article is exactly nearly to the T what God showed me also. When I am asked why I do what I do, even from my pants wearing sisters, I tell them that I don’t want anyone to mistake 2 things…..#1–If I am a woman, #2– whom I serve. I am Baptist, and it is disturbing the amount of our women who are so very loose with their lives.
    I find myself saying, “This is what God showed me I should do. If you want to know what you should do, truly seek God’s will in the matter and ask him; he will answer.” I also tell them……”when in doubt, just don’t do (whatever thing they are struggling with)”.
    The world DOES know that they dress badly. But may our desire to serve God in the way we dress, help them be drawn closer to him.
    Thank you for posting this. It refreshed my heart.

  24. Reply


    June 15, 2023

    Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sorry that you have been labelled an extremist and legalist for what you believe, and I applaud you for responding to your God-given convictions with humility and obedience.

    That being said, I don’t agree that all women who wear trousers are being immodest. Deuteronomy 22:5 is talking about cross-dressing, whereas trousers for women are a normal part of culture to the point where no one would think that a women wearing trousers was trying to look like a man. I don’t mean that we should obey what our culture says, but I don’t see anything wrong with women wearing feminine, modest trousers.

    I understand that God has convicted you of this, but there is such a thing as personal conviction, where two people have differing opinions, and yet both can still be right. Paul speaks of this in Romans 14:6 – “Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.” It is a matter of faith, and to dismiss the opinions of those who believe that trousers are not immodest as being sinful feelings seems unjust to me. Like you, they also may have spent time considering this issue prayerfully, and it does not follow that a different opinion means they are not acting out of faith.

    I hope this comment provides food for thought. My intent is not to judge, but to share my Bible-based view. I hope that we can move away from a place where we are divided against other women, to where we can build each other up in faith and love and accommodate each other’s different convictions. God bless you.

    • Reply

      Evelyn Fonseca

      August 11, 2023

      Katharine, thank you for your very respectful comment! Other ladies have voiced your same views to me before so, I’ll tell you what I have told them.

      Pants were originally created as men’s attire, taking into account the male body, not the female body. Although, some pants can be considered “modest” they are still immodest for the simple reason that they have always been meant for the male body. Obviously, women don’t wear them with the intent to look like men, but that’s what society/culture has made us believe and accept. Culture changes, but God does not. So if pants were wrong for women to wear back in the day, it’s still wrong today, no matter how accepting society is.

      I agree that there are some personal convictions but not over things that are absolutely wrong and that Scripture is very clear about.

      I hope you understand that my reason for writing this article is not to divide but to voice a Biblical truth more women need to prayerfully ask the Lord about. I know it’s a controversial topic, but one that is important for sanctification.

  25. Reply


    May 11, 2023

    Thank you for sharing your testimony…. It helped.
    Just today, (few hours ago), I was asking God to make me understand better … Not like I don’t know these things… But controversies from the western culture makes it seem difficult to comprehend… But thank you for your testimony and also on shedding light on past history…

    • Reply

      Evelyn Fonseca

      May 11, 2023

      Thank you for your comment Debrah. Will be praying for you, that the Lord will give you complete understanding and conviction of His ways!

  26. Reply


    April 23, 2023

    Please I need modesty fashion tips. This is because whenever I wear modest dresses and do not use make up and artificial hair,people always mistake me to be married and older than I actually am, when I am still single and searching. This had made me unhappy and I keep going back and forth on my decision not to wear trousers and make up because I really do want to get married . Please I need fashion tips. Thanks.

  27. Reply

    Olympia Strange

    January 29, 2023

    My late mom joined a holiness church when I was 2 years young. The scripture from Deuteronomy was referenced by our female pastor and I wasn’t allowed to wear pants. I wore skirts and dresses until I turned 18 and purchased my first pair of pants my first day of college. Although I choose to never wear pants inside any church building I do wear pants throughout the week. I also wear skirts and dresses. I feel as if my dress is modest and don’t see the need to remove pants from my wardrobe.

    • Reply

      Evelyn Fonseca

      January 31, 2023

      The key phrase here is “I FEEL” we can feel lots of things but feelings are deceiving. We need to be ruled by The Word and ask God for spiritual discernment. Only then can we learn what pleases the Lord and what doesn’t.


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