The Scribe's Portion

Psalm 10: The LORD Shall Rescue Thee

· Finding Comfort 16 Years After 9/11 ·

September 11, 2017 2 Comments

Read today’s portion here…Psalm 10

Father to the Fatherless

The tragedy of 9/11 will forever be seared in the memory of the American people and in the minds of the rest of the world. Even now, 16 years later, the images of that fateful day conjure up terror, fear, sorrow, and pain. It was a day which made humankind question the existence of God and others, to ask why God would allow such evil to prosper. Where was God in 9/11? Did He care that many innocent lives were lost? The helpless who are crushed say:

Verse 11

He says in his heart, “God has forgotten, he has hidden His face, he will never see it. 

But God promises to be the father to the fatherless. In moments such as 9/11, when you may feel alone, fatherless, the LORD IS your Father. When those who were trapped in the towers that day, had they called upon His name, the LORD would have gathered them in His arms, rescued them or gently carried them Home. 

Verse 14

But you do see, for you note mischief and vexation,
    that you may take it into your hands;
to you the helpless commits himself;
    you have been the helper of the fatherless.

And God DID rescue many souls that day, some made it out of the towers, others didn’t. But God was in the midst and not just as a spectator. One of these survivors lived to see the hand of God in those terrifying moments. 

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Continue below to read Sujo John’s story


Sujo John had just moved to America from India 6 months earlier…

When that infamous day changed his life forever. He came seeking a better life with his wife. Both had great careers in the World Trade Center, Sujo worked on the 81st story of the north tower, while his wife worked in the south tower. That morning before the first plane impacted the north tower, Sujo felt a calling from God, something was going to happen. Something that would change his life.

Sujo was at work when the first plane crashed into the tower he was working in.  

The people in his office immediately started to pile out. As they were making their way down, the plaza came into view, where bodies lay scattered throughout the ground. Debris and fuselage from the plane littered the plaza as well. On his way down the stairwell, the second plane crashed into the south tower. Sujo worried about his wife and their unborn child. Determined to get her out, he started to walk toward the south tower when the building suddenly collapsed. He looked around and saw 10-15 people around him, they huddled together. In that moment, Sujo wondered about their salvation, if they died, where would these people go? 


In that instant, Sujo did something he never did, nor ever imagined he’d do…

he started to boldly call upon the name of the LORD with a loud voice. He then prompted the people around him to call upon the name of the LORD. No one refused, no one disbelieved, everyone started crying out to God together. They continued as debris fell upon them, Sujo was convinced he would die. After about 20 mins, he crawled out from under the debris and realized that none of the persons he had huddled with had survived. Sujo asked God “LORD, these people called out to You, why did they not make it?” The LORD answered him saying, ” Sujo, they made their peace with me in their dying moments, and they’re resting with me in my presence.” 

He saw a flashing red light coming from an ambulance through the debris…

Sujo followed it and got out. As he walked away from the world trade center, the north tower collapsed. As he walked he asked God why He had allowed him to live. Worried about his wife, he was convinced that she had died. Then his phone rang, it was his wife. She had been late to work that day. As she had been getting out from the subway, the first plane crashed. 

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The LORD is with those who call upon His Name. He shall rescue thee. 

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Psalm 10-The LORD Shall Rescue Thee


Evelyn Fonseca

Christian millennial, writer, editor, introvert, lover of languages, and full-time bibliophile. My mission is to tell the whole world about the love of Christ and that apart from Him there is no hope.


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